End of January

Can you believe the first month of the year is almost over?  To say time is passing quickly would be an understatement.  I have come to the full realization (but not acceptance) that time can quickly slip through your fingers if you don’t get a handle on it.  For example, I had a goal of finishing a certain project by the end of the month.  I can promise you that will not be happening.  I’m resetting the goal for it to be finish come 2/6.  That is still optimistic but nonetheless I need a goal, to feel the pressure.  As I”m looking back over January I’m trying to figure out if anything should be sticking out at me.  Slingshot turned 6 which kinda blew my mind.  It means everyone is getting older.  Outside of that there’s nothing that really sticks out to me.  I feel like I was just getting pulled down life’s river, not in control of where I was going.  I know I’m just rambling but I needed to ramble so there it is.  I could write about school or exercising (or lack thereof), but today I chose to ramble with the conclusion that I need to pick a direction to go in life, not just hang on for the ride

A new Year

Okay so it’s already the 10th of January but hey life happens.  So here’s what’s happening.  December was a bad month exercise and food wise and the scale was the proof.  I can climber back over 160 by the end of December and was very discouraged.  However, Sparkpeople to the rescue.  They started a 28 day bootcamp challenge and I joined in.  I finished week one strong.  I had a bad weekend for eating but am starting well today.  I haven’t meet my goal weight for the first of the year but stumbles happen.  At this point I would like to be 10 pounds lighter by 2/14.  That’s reasonable if I can keep the sweets under control.  Sweets are my major downfall.  I just don’t know how to break that.  So that’s where all that stands.

School next.  We started back 2 days later than planned and at a very minimal pace.  I knew we needed to start back to school but I just wasn’t as ready as I hoped to be.  Today we are going full steam again and for the most part it’s going well.  We are up to Ancient Rome in our Learning Adventures and I really think the kids will enjoy this unit (course they have enjoyed the previous 2 units so why should this one be any different).   I’ll try and post what books we are reading.  So far we have used Drive thru History: Rome if you want to, just to give us an intro to Rome.  The kids really enjoy the Drive Thru History books.

That’s all for now.  Have a good one.